We’re adjusting our strategy for the final stretch.

Hi, friends. We’re in the final weeks before the election that could determine whether the U.S. remains a full Western democracy. 

CI continually monitors the dynamics of the elections to determine the best info, events, and actions to recommend to our community. With less than two months before the election, we will be guided by three overarching goals:

  1. Pre-election: Encourage and support voting for Biden and Dems
  2. Election: Protect the vote
  3. Post-election: Ensure the transition of power/fight for our democracy

We can leave NOTHING on the table: everything we value is at stake. It’s time to step up like you’ve never stepped up before:

  • Speak to your friends, family and neighbors about taking action.
  • Give whatever $ you can afford.
  • Learn a new skill that will bring in voters.
  • Commit more time — your voice is needed!

This has been a dark time in our history as a nation, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We can win the presidency and Senate and hold the House on November 3 and restore American values — the rule of law, science, equity, justice, democracy — if we work for it.

1. Pre-election: Inform and encourage people in swing states to vote for Biden and a blue senate and house.

This is where our actions have focused to date. It’s essential to keep going, although we may suggest shifts in specific actions, based on guidance from our partners. Examples:

  • WInding down: Florida VBM and Reclaim post cards; Maine phone calls against Collins
  • Ongoing: North Carolina phonebanks, possibly a mailing
  • Gearing up: Wisconsin phonebanks/ texting; texting for various causes with Resistance Labs

2. Election: Help voters in swing states actually cast their ballots.

We recommend CI members start to get involved in this. We’ll follow the roadmap laid out by Swing Left Greater Boston in their Protect The Vote initiative. Protect the Vote focuses in PA, WI, and FL and is looking for volunteers to commit time and effort to the following important tasks:

  • Call Dems in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida to recruit poll watchers and workers
  • Get trained to staff voter info hotlines in those 3 states, starting a month or so before the election
  • Get trained to cure ballots in those 3 states (closer to the election)

3. Post-election: Protect the integrity of the Nov. election if it’s contested or Trump refuses to accept the results.

We’ll keep you informed about strategies being developed at the state and national level. Examples include Protect the Results, a partnership of Indivisible and Stand Up for America. The group is collecting contact info so they can mobilize large numbers quickly, if necessary.


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