A chance to take action becomes a rewarding routine.

Here’s Jane dropping off a packet of completed letters at one of the porch stations maintained by CI activists.

by Jane Blumberg

When I went to my first CI huddle and learned about a letter writing campaign aimed at targeted voters in swing states, I knew this was a chance to take action. I was tired of complaining about the current administration and wanted to do something productive.

Writing 10 letters a day is now part of my daily routine. As I reach out to voters, explaining why I vote—and encouraging them to vote, too—I know I’m part of a huge effort of people taking responsibility for preserving this wonderful country.

10 million voters in these important states have been identified. A million letters have already been written by people like me.

We still have 9 million voters to go, so anybody who cares about the climate crisis, access to health care and reproductive rights, and a clean environment should pick up a pen and get writing! It’s easy, you can do it anywhere, and it’s been proven to positively affect voter turnout in multiple randomized trials.

It feels good to be reaching voters who may just need a nudge!

Anybody who cares about the climate crisis, access to health care and reproductive rights, and a clean environment, should pick up a pen and get writing.

Options for writing these letters include:

  • Pickup information:
  • Together for 2020 action kit here

Please note: We’re writing these letters now, but, for maximum impact, we’re saving them to send shortly before the election. So, write away, but return completed letters to your pickup location.


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