Ah, September.

Ah, September. Fall in New England.


by Kate Kavanagh

Sometime in the future our children and our grandkids will ask us, “What did you do in the time of Trump? What did you do in the time of the pandemic? What did you do to save Black lives ? What did you do to save our democracy?”

If we want to be able to look them in the eye, we need to work like hell to get out the Blue vote in critical states like Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Maine. We need to reach out to new voters, disenfranchised voters, purged voters. We need to get people voting early and safely. We need to support the act of voting on election day and do what we can to ensure every vote is counted. Because unless we do all of this, we will lose — and we don’t even want to think about what another four years of Trump would mean to our country, our democracy, our children, our planet.

To that end, Concord Indivisible is phasing into our September season of pre-election action, focusing on VOTE and VOICE. A lot will be asked of all of us.

  • We need you to dedicate as many hours as you can each week to taking action — and get your friends and neighbors to do the same. 
  • We need you to learn new things that might seem intimidating (phone banking and texting) and wear your CI t-shirt/mask and post your lawn sign to raise consciousness in the community and lead others to action. 
  • We need you to reach out to five friends and say, “let’s phone bank together.” 
  • We need you to have a Zoom party, connect with your friends, and all text together. You can do it while chatting and listening to music. 
  • We need you to donate and raise money for democratic causes and Democratic candidates.
  • We need you to go to CI’s Menu of Actions to see all the opportunities for you to make a difference — and then choose and act on one.

Twice a week, we send our newsletter to the 1,000 members of our CI family — and we want you to forward those to your friends and family, near and far so they will know what they can do. Given what’s going on in our country today, we’ll also be promoting in-person rallies to show our support for the forces of good and opposition to the forces of evil. And yes — I did say good and evil, because this is way beyond party. 

Our community has a proud heritage of speaking out against tyranny and injustice. So, whether it’s to defend the Post Office, to support our Kenosha brothers and sisters, or to demand that Congress be included in briefings on foreign interference in our elections, Concord has a voice and a responsibility to lift it. 

Make no mistake: this is the most consequential election of our lives. We know that Biden and Harris will win the popular vote. If Trump and the Republicans can, they will suppress enough votes, and eke out an electoral college win. They’ll seek to impose minority rule for the foreseeable future — we all saw that future on display from the RNC convention this past week. We must not, we cannot, allow that to happen. History calls each and every one of us. The next 63 days are critical. The swing states Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Maine need us. We can win this. Let’s make it so.


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