Category: Action
Stand up for democracy in Wisconsin: Donate to Judge Susan Crawford!
MAGA Republicans are waging a battle against reproductive freedoms and fair voting. But we have a powerful weapon to counter their assault: strong, principled leadership from candidates like Judge Susan Crawford in Wisconsin.
Why we need Kamala: Talking points for your family and friends
No doubt you’ll hear friends and family ask whether Harris is the best person to beat Donald Trump. Some will say they don’t really know her or question what she has accomplished. Here are a few talking points I use to bring others into the fold.
Engaging the next generation: Postcard writing with Concord Indivisible
Rachel Krompinger recounts the laughter, camaraderie, and empowerment sparked by a postcarding party.
North Carolina is a must-win in 2024!
Biden lost North Carolina in 2020 by 1.34 percentage points (just 75,000 votes). This has spurred Democrats to target the state in the 2024 presidential election — with special attention to Mecklenburg County. There is no path to the White House without North Carolina’s 16 electoral votes.
We’re going for a blue trifecta in 2024!
From now until the November election, Concord Indivisible will focus our efforts on keeping the White House, maintaining Democrats’ razor-thin margin in the Senate, and flipping the narrowly-red House to a cool blue.
We chose ranked choice voting. Let’s finish the job!
A home-rule petition for ranked choice voting (RCV) was adopted by about 90% of Concordians at 2022’s town meeting. But the state legislature hasn’t acted. We urgently need to let our legislators know that they must actively advocate for our RCV bills.
The Power of 20 Postcards
Small actions add up. Our actions, however small individually, add up when multiplied across the country. This is our super power as activists. In 2024, it will take all hands on deck to keep an autocrat out of the presidency, hold the Senate, flip the House, and prevent more Republican supermajorities in state legislatures.
Support the Indigenous People’s Legislative Agenda in Massachusetts.
by Denise Gieseke European colonization of North America included the forcible, and often brutally violent, replacement of culturally rich Native communities. Indigenous peoples endured genocide, the forced assimilation of their children in Christian boarding schools, and relocation to inhospitable reservations following devastating population losses. The violence persists to this day – with the unchecked assault…
Concord voted for ranked choice voting last year. Why can’t we use it?
A home-rule petition for ranked choice voting (RCV) was adopted by about 90% of Concordians at last year’s town meeting. But the state legislature hasn’t acted. Unless the legislature acts this year, Concord and several other towns will have to hold another vote on RCV next year!
Stop super-emitter private jet expansion!
Climate and environmental leader Bill McKibben was asked after his recent talk in town about climate change, migration, and racism what citizens in the Concord area should prioritize locally. Without skipping a beat he mentioned the expansion of Hanscom Field for private luxury jets. “It’s the single most ludicrous idea I’ve ever heard,” he said.…