On Nov 24, many in the Concord Indivisible community gathered to begin a conversation about how to move forward over the next few years. Our purpose at the meeting wasn’t to make a concrete plan, but rather to hear your concerns, ideas, interests, suggestions.
Here’s a summary of your comments, drawn from spoken and written contributions to the meeting and from an online survey for those who couldn’t make it:
A number of factors contributed to the Democratic loss:
- We missed on a combination of cultural and economic issues.
- Democratic party leadership failed us.
- Fear and anger are strong motivators.
- Media/social media contributed to the problem.
Participants recommended many ways we can begin to address these problems:
- Engage in dialogue with folks who voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all–While at the same time holding to our core values and beliefs.
- Fight for policies, not just against GOP actions.
- Communication: Fight lies on social media; insist on accuracy in the media; find new ways to communicate with broader range of people.
- Focus at the state level–using our Blue State strengths to resist the Trump agenda.
- Help red and purple states resist the GOP agenda.
- Fight Trump’s immigration policies.
- Support candidates who are not compromisers on principles.
- Form networks/ stand together/ expand our tent.
CI members are interested in working on a variety of specific actions moving forward.
- Approximately half of the respondents want to work with Massachusetts officials to resist the national GOP agenda and enact progressive policies.
- Approximately 30% want to advocate at the Federal level to fight the GOP agenda.
- Approximately 30% are interested in electing Democrats in swing states in 2025/26
What issues do you most want to address? 20-30% of respondents expressed particular interest in each of the following issues:
- Immigration
- Climate change
- Democracy/voting rights
- Other (e.g., economic and racial equity, LGBTQ rights, anti semitism)
What’s next?
Early in the new year, we’ll be inviting you to a series of events to firm up plans to fight back against the GOP agenda and work for the progressive policies we embrace.
Want even more thoughts? Here’s a doc that captures dozens.
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