Category: Action

  • Water the grassroots to grow hope for democracy and progressivism.

    Water the grassroots to grow hope for democracy and progressivism.

    Grassroots organizations know the people, culture, and political environment in their areas. They make lasting connections, build trust, educate, and work alongside community members to achieve real change — in both election and non-election years. By backing these organizations, rather than swooping in with our own messaging and tactics, we can target our time and…

  • D is for December, Democracy…and Donation

    D is for December, Democracy…and Donation

    by Barbara Head November elections are over with, but activism can take a different form in December — political donations. There are two reasons for making this your key month for political giving.  1. Giving early in the election cycle does far more good. Candidates running in 2022 are gearing up their campaigns. They need…

  • Fighting disinformation

    Fighting disinformation

    by Anita Saville and Jennifer Hurley-Wales The daily false and misleading stories about everything from vaccine mandates to election outcomes deepen the fault lines between Red and Blue America and threaten to destroy what was once the greatest democracy in the world. While disinformation seeps from many sources, Fox News is the leading disseminator of…

  • Divorcing AT&T

    Divorcing AT&T

    by Jennifer Hurley-Wales Dear friends,  AT&T is abusing democracy, so I’m divorcing AT&T.  I had already felt unhappy about using AT&T as my family’s mobile phone provider because of their contributions to right-wing politicians. During the 2016 cycle two-thirds of the company’s donations went to Republicans, including Donald Trump.  I felt a little better when…

  • It’s all on the line in Virginia.

    It’s all on the line in Virginia.

    by Judith Herman Virginia’s upcoming statewide election on November 2 is critical to the future of both the commonwealth and the country. This election has been quiet so far, and we need to make some noise. Early voting is underway for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and the House of Delegates. But many Virginians don’t…

  • Roe v. Wade: We will not go back.

    by Anita Saville Ever since the Supreme Court issued its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the forces opposed to reproductive freedom have chiseled, sliced, and hacked away the right to safe and legal abortions. We’ve now reached the point that pro-choice Americans have long dreaded — the actual overturning of Roe by the…

  • As North Carolina goes…?

    As North Carolina goes…?

    by Judith Herman Most paths to the White House go through North Carolina. With 16 Electoral College votes, it will be the third-largest swing state in the country. Donald Trump (R) edged out Joe Biden (D) by just 1.3 percentage points in the 2020 presidential election. According to Roll Call, North Carolina is one of…

  • NC group calls for help; Concord responds.

    Over 50 Concord-area postcard writers responded to a call to help counteract voter suppression in North Carolina. North Carolina Asian-Americans Together in Action identified over 6,000 Asian-American voters who were recently purged from the voter rolls, a tactic that disproportionately affects minority populations. NCAAT asked help from All-in for NC and Activate America, a national organization that…

  • Vigil for Daunte Wright

    Vigil for Daunte Wright

    Daunte Wright was 20 years old.He was a son, grandson, brother, uncle, and father. He loved playing video games, was passionate about basketball, and had big dreams for his future. To his friends he was a warm, generous, and funny guy — the life of the party. Please join us Sunday, April 18 at 5pm…

  • Concord stands for democracy

    Concord stands for democracy

    On a perfect autumn day, 150 people gathered at Old North Bridge with clear messages: count every vote; respect the results; support democracy. It felt good to stand in person (if distanced) with the community that we’ve experienced virtually for months. As we worry about the many fellow citizens willing to vote for Trump even…