Category: Inspiration
Concord shows up for democracy
The monsoon rains paused for our July 10 rally in Monument Square in support of the For the People Act. Speakers included Deb Paul of the Indivisible Mass Coalition, CI’s Phil Villers, Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, Vivian Tseng of Indivisible Acton Area, Kevin Peterson of the New Democracy Project, Rev.…
No time for burn-out!
by Diane Proctor In a recent essay in The New Yorker, Jill Lepore explores the history and ubiquitous nature of “burn-out.” Citing sources as varied as The Iliad, where Achilles taunts Agamemnon “as a worthless, burnt-out coward,” to Arianna Huffington’s lament that “burned-out people are going to continue to burn up the planet,” Lepore notes that the demands…
Concord has a role to play in achieving concord.
Preserving democracy is more important than any individual candidate. We must call on our collective reserves and remember, individually, why we each cherish fairness and democracy. We must rally our better angels. Concordians can collectively establish concord, and make this world safe for democracy once again.
One family sent 1,500 GOTV letters!
One CI family mailed over 1,500 GOTV letters! Kudos and thanks to Candace Miller and her family. Just imagine how many letters we sent as a community!
We must answer the call.
On Sunday, about 200 people from the greater Concord area gathered in Monument Square so out-of-town MAGA demonstrators would not have an open field for their lies and hate. It was painful to experience their vitriol, but we stood our sacred ground, in solidarity, as a community committed to the values of truth, inclusion, justice,…
The wedding gift thank you notes I penned in June 1968 were tear-stained as I watched the funeral of Robert Kennedy. The letters I am sending today to voters in Florida suffer the same drenching as I observe the service for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Both Bobby and Ruth are icons who inspired generations to be…
Why Activism Matters
At a time when so many of the institutions we value are being undone by the present administration, our grandchildren may one day ask us: “Were you silent? What did you do?” Phil Villiers knows why it is important to act. Phil’s family fled Europe during the horrors of the Nazi regime, and, as he…
Ah, September.
Ah, September. Fall in New England. AND JUST 2 MONTHS UNTIL THE ELECTION!! by Kate Kavanagh Sometime in the future our children and our grandkids will ask us, “What did you do in the time of Trump? What did you do in the time of the pandemic? What did you do to save Black lives…