Tag: election

  • Early money provides greater bang for the buck.

    Early money provides greater bang for the buck.

    In the final days and weeks of an election, do you click on that DONATE button, hoping desperately that your donation will catapult your candidate into office? But candidates are already asking for my money. Isn’t this an “off year”?

  • Water the grassroots to grow hope for democracy and progressivism.

    Water the grassroots to grow hope for democracy and progressivism.

    Grassroots organizations know the people, culture, and political environment in their areas. They make lasting connections, build trust, educate, and work alongside community members to achieve real change — in both election and non-election years. By backing these organizations, rather than swooping in with our own messaging and tactics, we can target our time and…

  • D is for December, Democracy…and Donation

    D is for December, Democracy…and Donation

    by Barbara Head November elections are over with, but activism can take a different form in December — political donations. There are two reasons for making this your key month for political giving.  1. Giving early in the election cycle does far more good. Candidates running in 2022 are gearing up their campaigns. They need…